The Pink Floyd Hyperbase
Compiled and edited by Jacob Crawfurd
Jump in to ALL the lyrics and tons of information about the musical universe of Pink Floyd
You have reached the complete and ultimate hypertext guide to the music of Pink Floyd. This is an unoffcial Pink Floyd site where you will find all the lyrics and information on songs, albums, films, books and unreleased material.
This site has been online since 1997 and was for several years the most comprehensive online Pink Floyd ressource! At a time we even helped clear up mysteries for the Roger Waters management! Today I no longer have time for posting frequent news, but the site is still up-to-ate with new releases. The archival material is very good if you are interested in the music of and complete lyrics of Pink Floyd. Easy access and overview was the original idea for this site in the early days of HTML webdesign. Let the hyperlinks from the menu take you away - or go directly using the Google-search in the top of the page.
This site works best while listening to Pink Floyd ...LOUD. Enjoy!

Tracks & recordings
The main entry to this site is the complete Pink Floyd discography including works by the individual members of Pink Floyd. Each song/track are listed together with the album of their first official release. All lyrics are available.

Film & Video
List and info about all the official Pink Floyd films, concert and music videos. Included are also rarities and some of the movies using Pink Floyd on the soundtrack.

Who is who and which one is Pink? Short biographies of the 5 Pink Floyd members.